Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hey long time no see, or write for that matter....

Sorry about that. I went through a couple of weeks where I was too tired at the end of the day to write on the blog. So we are playing catch up.
I have finished the glass work on the septic system. It works like this, there are 3 treatment chambers which aerate and filter the material that enters the 1st chamber. The aeration is to promote the growth of aerobic bacteria which digest waste a lot faster than anaerobic bacteria(what is found in most holding tanks) and does not produce methane gas which stinks.

So here are walls 3 and 4 freshly glassed in. Walls 1 ,2 and 5 yet to come. Together they will form 4 tanks, 3 treatment and 1 holding.

Here is a shot a couple of days later after all the walls are in and I have built and installed the filters.
The filters are removable so they can be cleaned if needed. One of the jobs of the filters is to provide a foundation for the bacteria to live on as the food supply goes by.....

You can see the first 3 chambers easily and the 4th which is past the last filter.

In this shot you see one section of the system. There is an upper baffle which goes in front of the filter system. The two white PVC tubes are the airlift returns from the next chamber. They go to the bottom of that tank just in front of the lower baffle similar to the one in this tank. The idea is that if any solids get through the filter they will settle to the bottom and be sucked up by the air lift tubes and returned to the previous chamber. The upper baffle directs the flow from the air lift tubes forward so the solids will settle ahead of that baffle and be returned back up stream again.

Here it is with the upper baffle in place. It too is removable. There will also be an air stone underneath the upper baffle and behind the lower baffle to keep the water moving and aerated.

And at last here is the completed , almost completed system. All the heavy grinding and glassing is done. I still have to install the air tubing drainage system etc.

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